Friday, February 7, 2020

[Volaire] Government

Sgobbe Leon (♂ Kobold)
Current Rao of Volaire

Chief executive officer & ultimately the most important public figure of Volaire. The Rao presides over the most important committees, sets the agenda, & acts as the chairman of the city. Numerous restrictions are placed on the person assigned to the position - the Rao cannot discuss business or even read official correspondence except in the presence of the Advisory, a six-member team appointed by the Civil Council that represents each of the districts of Volaire. The Rao's entire family is barred from civil service, with limited exceptions after the Rao's death (life-time appointment). The Rao is not allowed to own foreign property, & their estate is in fact audited upon death.

Civil Council
The ultimate deliberative body & seat of legitimate power is the Civil Council. It is composed of approximately three thousand adult males from the aristocratic families of Volaire. This Council appoints & elects its population into other, smaller government bodies.

Its 60 members are a mix of appointments by the Civil Council & outgoing senators, & serves as the chief legislative body of Volaire.

Lower Senate
Comprised of council heads, appointments from outgoing senators, ambassadors, & military commanders that are 250 people strong. Day-to-day operations typically only see half of this number, and only 60 are necessary to make quorum. This group predominantly handles administration, committee appointments, & oversight.

Executive positions assigned by the Lower Senate, these people are charged with regulating industry, enforcing sumptuary laws, auditing other offices, & so on. A magistrate & its office is typically a short-lived affair; lasting anywhere from three months to three years. Once its term is over, a new one is formed by the Senate.

High Lords of Sciolo
A shadowy body, originally comprised of twelve members elected by the Senate for non-consecutive terms each lasting one year. It was officially disbanded over seventy years ago, but its authority remained, ultimately acting as the true power. Its members include the Rao, the Advisory Board, the Ashe, & heads of three of the most powerful merchant families in Volaire. The High Lords are responsible for important financial decisions for the city, form the leadership of the secret police (both foreign & domestic), & are able to override any other part of the government. This body does not & can not oversee or manage everything done by the Volarian government, but it is the final arbiter of its policies & are behind nearly all of the shadowy moves of the government.

Monday, February 3, 2020

[Petals & Thrones] Session 5: Goblintown

Session V
Our intrepid heroes, led forward by the werewolf, approach the entrance of the goblin cave encampment. The lieutenant telling them to turn around is given the rebuttal of initiative, which leads to the bugbear surprise attacking the fighter for a critical surprise attack (still standing, barely), followed by all of the bigger goblinoids being webbed and slowly shot down. The goblins made a couple attacks, but stayed in stealth afterward to avoid blasting from Victor.

The continue inward, struggling through the front room, against the hobgoblins & bugbears, the goblins largely dispersing due to their distance and predilection towards stealth. They move west and south, finding an alcove to hide in for a five minute rest just before entering the room with the underground river. They have a very rough fight in this room, entirely using up their short-rest abilities against the eight hobgoblins and four goblins.

And so, our heroes, spent of their major resources and severely injured, march forward deeper into hobgoblin camp...