Monday, February 3, 2020

[Petals & Thrones] Session 5: Goblintown

Session V
Our intrepid heroes, led forward by the werewolf, approach the entrance of the goblin cave encampment. The lieutenant telling them to turn around is given the rebuttal of initiative, which leads to the bugbear surprise attacking the fighter for a critical surprise attack (still standing, barely), followed by all of the bigger goblinoids being webbed and slowly shot down. The goblins made a couple attacks, but stayed in stealth afterward to avoid blasting from Victor.

The continue inward, struggling through the front room, against the hobgoblins & bugbears, the goblins largely dispersing due to their distance and predilection towards stealth. They move west and south, finding an alcove to hide in for a five minute rest just before entering the room with the underground river. They have a very rough fight in this room, entirely using up their short-rest abilities against the eight hobgoblins and four goblins.

And so, our heroes, spent of their major resources and severely injured, march forward deeper into hobgoblin camp...

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