Sunday, January 17, 2021

[Petals & Thrones] Session 21: Death of the Stabsman

Session XXI
Deciding things were getting pretty heavy, our heroes retreat to the surface to take an extra long short rest, including Thoradin doing a 10min healing spell. This gives Tarmont time to reorganize the remaining undead, but since they don't find the PCs, they don't congregate.

Taking out a couple patrols on the way, they manage to get the attention of Tarmont's scout due to Ribbles's familiar. Alerting the entire dungeon, ghouls & zombies begin to swarm upon them. Their combat is pretty decent, but several critical hits along with poor saves against ghoulish paralysis (Tarmont's fireball didn't help either) leads to a very poor situation. It's when Morluck falls to Tarmont's magic missile that they decide to flee, but not before Thoradin is ripped to shreds by ghouls.

It's at this point we have a conversation as to the trajectory of the campaign due to half of the party dying in the sewers. Ultimately, they decided to put the campaign on hiatus. We'll be playing Ars Magica in the interim, maybe returning to this module sometime in the future.

While it wasn't an issue in this dungeon, the players largely felt that the module's five-minute short rest mechanic was a trap, as it tempted them to use it at risk (which really hurt them in the goblin cave & the Great Hive).

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