Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ferrous Fortune-Hunters: Session XIV

Well folks, another exciting day before us, and as it turns out, not much exciting happened with the party. They did their thing, which I will detail before you, but it was an overall slow session. While I didn't throw them any overpowered fights, it was because they had no fighting in general. I was probably misguided in trying to get them to come up with the impetus to RP on their own, though I even offered to give them some pure RP scenes, which they denied.

They cleaned up, then planned to sneak into Vorgen's (villainous arcanist who stole the writer's work and copied it) tower while he ate at a nearby tavern. Flynn & Antric went to the tavern to distract Vorgen with in-depth discussion of academia (mainly Flynn, Antric was the muscle).

Meanwhile, Jorn, Audrius, & Kagemane went to sneak into the mansion under the cover of darkness. They managed to distract the guards long enough despite a close call to get inside. Once inside, Audrius plays the "if I was an evil arcanist who wanted to hide something valuable" game (tee hee), and found the original manuscript that was plagairized. They snuck out with a handful of valuables, and implicated Vorgen enough to be investigated by the proper authorities.

Last they heard, his belongings were auctioned off and he was shipped off for slavery.

The local tavern the party had their fight with Saireen was purchased, so they relocated, and spent two months in down-time. Audrius researched the applications for his philosopher's stone, Flynn studied and helped with Antric on upgrading his armor spikes, Jorn worked as a professional ranger to provide living expenses to the party, & Kagemane researched their treasure map.

Kagemane discovered there was a secret page he wasn't able to notice until now, spent a week in search of the solvent required to reveal it without damaging the paper, and found further details. The book is actually binding Ino (the innocence demon) to the owner, who is Kagemane, and Audrius informed the binding would be very difficult to break (either death or overly difficult ritual, not told to Kagemane). It was also revealed some of the symptoms when Ino is getting close to killing people.

Once they finished their stuff, two months later, they also heard word that a very large contest for the provision of the world's greatest shields from a country to the south, with a grand prize of some obscene amount of money. They have about five months, so they decided to mess with it after they dealt with the treasure map to the lost kingdom.

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