Friday, December 28, 2012

Warriors of the Empire of the Sun: Session XX

They level up by this point, and are now level 9. 

After having taken the damage, they decide it prudent to turn around and instead head for the capital to heal up the vile damage, and just send Ethedril's cleric to the kobolds. This should take about four or five days, and they pass through a couple small towns with warm welcome. On the third day, they encounter a hamlet that's been holed up as if under siege, and find out they've been attacked by a horde of ninja over the last three days (two attacks thus far, three dead). 

Cast and escort travel to pick up the more isolated people who were trying to weather the assault in their cottages, and helps them suit up to leave by morning (~75 of 'em). When morning draws near, a score of Shadowed Hand genin charge, and 15 of the villagers are revealed to be chunnin in disguise in this attack. The party makes quick work of them, three rounds of Marshal's fast healing removing the marks made. Concerned of further treachery, Cast makes sure not a single villager has any weapons, and keeps his weapon readied at them. Once at the castle, the villagers are quarantined, and will be released after the party leaves. 

At the castle, they get some information concerning the name they were given on the person who hired the Shadowed Hand to kill them; Ssevar'nac the Golden Lord, Plague Father, Master of Shapes. He is a disgustingly wealthy lord of a node in the Blackened Grove, known for his mastery of shapeshifting, ability to birth monsters, and curse people into all manner of shapes, and is also known to shape corpses (fabricate level) for the Grove's war machine. They get directions and convince the Empress to loan them two hippogriffs so as to swiftly reach the node (with a buff from Chantico), as well as a handful of fireball flasks to deal with swarms. 

They travel long hours, but are a mere 10 miles from Ssevar'nac's castle when they make camp. In the middle of the night, Ethedril is awakened to the sound of an old man singing very off-key in some local dialect on a path that will go through the party; and hears him far enough away for Cast to put his armor on and ready a bow. When the old man sees the party, he barely has a chance to register their presence before Cast knocks an arrow and demands that he turn around and go the other way, stating that they are adventurers under siege. Old man, partially apologetically and partially crotchety, states he's just trying to reach a shrine that the party is on the way of; and if he could take his old knees and around far enough out to not be seen by either. Just the act of explaining nearly brings Cast into a rage (the insolence, near as I can tell), which Marshal manages to subdue him enough to not just slay the old man where he stands. 

The old man backtracks a bit and takes the long way around the party, mumbling with crotchety annoyance at them and hoping that Ssevar'nac that turns them into stoats. Ethedril can hear this from the distance, which sorta surprises Cast that the old man knows of Ssevar'nac, tempting him to go and kill the obvious spy; Ethedril instead follows the old man to the shrine, which is dedicated to Kiransal. When the old man enters, Ethedril overhears him making confessions, which for Kiransal means confessing of every sin visited upon you; and money is exchanged for karmic vengeance, the party having been mentioned. The priestess inside exits the shrine to deliver the money and prayers to the greater church, who Ethedril sees to be a harpy. 

Following the harpy, Ethedril goes awhile without being seen, but is eventually spotted. The harpy asks a question, getting a snarky answer with a hint of danger, so she sings her Captivating Song and Ethedril rolls a natural 1. And so, our drow is lead directly into the Ssevar'nac's estate, and brought before one of the accountants under the guard of two trolls. The harpy is paid and leaves, while the accountant questions Ethedril for a name and reason for being around. Ethedril delays for a short bit, then flies forward to cut the accountant down and attempts to batter a wall down to escape; but is grappled and rended unto death by the two trolls (reach is a powerful thing when you don't otherwise have the edge). 

After four hours, Cast and Marshal decide to search for Ethedril, following the old man's tracks. They come upon the shrine with the old man outside and partially on his way away, where Cast demands to know what happened to his travelling companion. The old man states he hasn't a clue (Sense Motive checks state he's telling the truth) but does a short cackle at the idea, which is the last straw for Cast who charges and kills; revealing that the old man was an Obake, a lesser type of human-turned-oni with a bee hive in their hunch (minor shapeshifting hides this). 

Marshal enters the shrine to ask the priestess for information, eventually being convinced to pay a small tithing (4gp), where she tells them she will call upon divine wisdom from Kiransal to lead them. She asks for them to follow, where they mount up and do so; Cast tries a few times with his helm of telepathy to start reading her mind, eventually getting through the Will save and finding out that she's leading them to the primary counting house instead of the ancillary because there were two of them. 

At the central counting house, there are half a dozen dire vultures in gilded cages with three well-groomed gnolls in fine clothing caretaking the entire room. The floor is covered with ivory white marble expertly cut, the floor otherwise being fairly bare aside from the back end where three japanese-like men in kimonos write notes and keep track of numbers with an abacus, while formian workers work behind them to physically move money at their demand. 

The three accountants, looking close enough to be brothers, ask for their names. They are told the full titles, and that the two are seeking Ethedril. Notes are passed to a formian worker, who wanders off with it, and the head accountant tells them to wait a moment for them to receive permission. After a couple minutes, the formian returns with a message, which the accountant reads and informs the party that they can simply enter the palace to speak with Ssevar'nac for further information. 

This does not sit well with Cast, who demands to know immediately where Ethedril is, which the accountants state that they cannot tell them. Cast begins walking towards them with the intent of blocking the back exit (which is 15' behind the accountants, the front door is on the opposite side over 75' away), where the gnolls move to keep him from getting too close to the accountants. Cast cuts down the gnoll, which sends the entire room into a flurry and a fight breaks out. The accountants prove to be expert unarmed combatants, pinning and disarming the two, but proving to be virtually incapable of scratching them (disguised Ogon no Oni from Creatures of Rokugan, 5000 koku on them). Once the first accountant is finally struck down, they surrender and beg to be spared, telling the two that Ethedril had been killed for slaying their brother and his corpse is with Ssevar'nac and is likely being interrogated. 

Cast is tempted to slay the two anyway, though there exists the chance he would use the suggestion power in his telepathy helm, demanding the Ogon no Oni to both give up his money bag and to forgo any incoming saving throw (will immediately kill the oni if he doesn't forgo). But we end the session and debate there for next time, likely in two weeks because Cynic's coming down and wants a one-shot (aWoD).

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